

No further training is scheduled at this time.   If you would like to be added to future training announcements or discuss options, then contact us at

For several years Rich Gerberding was a Field Trainer with Man in the Mirror, teaching Reaching Every Man sessions on the No Man Left Behind men’s ministry model, as well as working with local churches interested in MIM seminars.

In 2015, Mike Flinn came on board as the regional director for MIM in the Peoria area, so please contact Mike ( with NMLB training question.

Of course, we are available if you are interested in general discussions of ministry to men or NMLB, but specific, official training should be organized through Mike.


We do offer other workshops/seminars which can either be stand alone events or combined as part of a longer session or retreat.

Available topics include:

1.  Resist the BAIT, Avoid the Trap:  An Honest Discussion on Pornography / Addiction featuring Somebody’s Daughter
This is not the typical shaming for past failures or a simple 3 step “escape the trap” plan.  When the trap snaps, damage has already occurred.  Our goal is to challenge men (or women) to realize the risks involved, and to look at their own tendencies to become aware of their own personal times of trouble or challenge.

2.  Forgotten Fruit of the Spirit: When Following Christ Doesn’t Feel Christian
(also has been presented by Rich and area pastors as a Sermon topic or series).  Mature Christianity is often defined no further than the fruit of the Spirit, but Paul’s own writings, as well as the entirety of Scripture, allows for and points to additional virtues which are often frowned upon by today’s church culture.  These ‘rougher’ virtues are critical for us to have impact for God’s Kingdom, and in fact the two groups are essential for balancing one other

3.  The Rest of the (Bible) Story: Transitioning from Bible Based to the Bible
Our kids are raised on flannelgraphs, cartoon books, and ‘age appropriate’ lessons, but how are we doing with allowing their faith and their Bible to grow with them, so as they transition through the teenage years into adulthood their Bible knowledge applies to their world.

4.  Fish for Men and Change the World
Does your church value men, or are they just accepted?  Does the thought of a ministry to men seem like just another stretch on the resources.  This workshop covers the importance of reaching men in order to reach future generations, and grow churches.  It touches on the NMLB model, but is more about discussing WHY a ministry to men is so needed.